C4 utilities
Our products

All of C4’s products were developed by experienced air-force veterans who fiercely believed that HLS aircrafts should carry the same level of technology that allows Apaches and F-35s to ensure mission success. Each product was designed to empower pilots and first responders who put everything on the line for the safety of others, while staying within the budget limits of HLS departments.

SV - Coming Soon

C4 utilities_mobile
Our products

All of C4’s products were developed by experienced air-force veterans who fiercely believed that HLS aircrafts should carry the same level of technology that allows Apaches and F-35s to ensure mission success. Each product was designed to empower pilots and first responders who put everything on the line for the safety of others, while staying within the budget limits of HLS departments.

All of C4’s products were developed by experienced air-force veterans who fiercely believed that HLS aircrafts should carry the same level of technology that allows Apaches and F-35s to ensure mission success. Each product was designed to empower pilots and first responders who put everything on the line for the safety of others, while staying within the budget limits of HLS departments.

SV - Coming Soon


c4 utilities



The C4 utility package adds advanced operational
capabilities for airborne units with more comprehensive
needs. Each package is specifically tailored based on
the client's needs and delivered as a custom-made
mission suite that provides distinct upgrades to the
equipped aircrafts.

Our experienced team of military veterans and
aerospace specialists collaborates to give every project
its undivided attention, managing it from design to
completion, and continuing to perform initial testing,
training and support to ensure client's operational
readiness and performance.

In other words, it is our secret lab for any operational need you might have.

  1. Tailor-made for your needs
  2. Fits any aircraft
  3. Cost-Operational and flight proven
  4. Same-Cost-effective
  1. EO/IR
  2. Search Light
  3. Monitors
  4. Communications
  5. Mission computers
  6. Augmented Reality
  7. DVR
  8. Video Downlink
Utilities-content mobile

c4 utilities

c4 utilities

The C4 utility package adds advanced operational capabilities for airborne units with more comprehensive needs. Each package is specifically tailored based on the client's needs and delivered as a custom-made mission suite that provides distinct upgrades to the equipped aircrafts.

Our experienced team of military veterans and aerospace specialists collaborates gives every project its undivided attention, managing it from design to completion, and continuing to perform initial testing,
training and support to ensure client's operational readiness and performance.

In other words, it's our secret lab for your any operational need.

The C4 utility package adds advanced operational
capabilities for airborne units with more comprehensive
needs. Each package is specifically tailored based on the client's needs and delivered as a custom-made mission suite that provides distinct upgrades to the
equipped aircrafts.

Our experienced team of military veterans and aerospace specialists collaborates gives every project its undivided attention, managing it from design to completion, and continuing to perform initial testing,
training and support to ensure client's operational readiness and performance.

In other words, it's our secret lab for your any
operational need.

Main Function

  1. EO/IR
  2. Search Light
  3. Monitors
  4. Communications
  5. Mission computers
  6. Augmented Reality
  7. DVR
  8. Video Downlink


  1. Tailor-made for your needs
  2. Fits any aircraft
  3. Cost-Operational and flight proven
  4. Same-Cost-effective




Mission computer and recorders
Radio systems and network design for enhanced communication & cooperation
EO/IR payloads2019
EO/IR payloads
Electro-Optical day and night camera systems
Airborne multi-function displays and touch screens specially chosen per requirement
Video distribution2019
Video distribution
Design and implementation of all video distribution, amplification, conversion and scaling needs
Integration of multi-mission searchlight with geo-pointing capabilities
Mission computer2019
Mission computer
Advanced airborne mission computers with augmented reality and digital recording capabilities
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Mission computer and recorders
Mission computer
. Video distribution system
Video distribution
EO/IR payloads
EO/IR payloads
Mission computer and recorders
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